About Guldasta Academy
Guldasta Academy is a registered non-profit organization in Canada, founded in February 27, 2023 after the fall of Afghanistan. In 2021, the Taliban imposed a devastating ban on the education of Afghan girls, closing schools across the country and shattering the dreams of thousands of young Afghan girls.
For Ferdous Shaheidi, a newly arrived Afghan immigrant in Canada, hearing the news and reports of Afghan girls being deprived of their fundamental rights and seeing them return from school gates in black uniforms with tear-filled eyes was unbearable. This injustice ultimately led him to establish Guldasta Academy as a beacon of hope for girls deprived of education in his country.
He named the academy after his mother, Guldasta, a woman whose knowledge and unwavering determination paved the way for her success and that of her children. Guldasta was an educated woman who, despite losing her husband in young adulthood during the first Taliban regime and facing immense challenges as a single mother, never gave up on her children's education. With a deep understanding of the value and importance of education, she raised her children with the firm belief that education is the only path to a bright future. Her tireless efforts ensured that today, she and her children are not only pursuing higher education at prestigious universities in Canada, but they are also actively working to promote the education of Afghan girls, serving as true advocates for girls' rights to pursue their education.
This academy aims to provide educational opportunities for Afghan girls who have been deprived of access to schools and universities. Guldasta Academy serves as an educational resource by offering online and offline services and counselling on obtaining scholarships in collaboration with international educational institutions. The academy strives to ensure Afghan girls have the necessary tools to achieve their dreams.
Our vision is to create a future where every Afghan girl can access quality education, unlock her potential, and become an agent of change in her community and beyond.
To empower Afghan girls through access to quality education via online and offline platforms and guidance in obtaining scholarships.
Core values of Guldasta Academy
We are committed to upholding the following values, which guide our actions and shape the way we interact with our students, employees, and the community. These principles are the foundation of our academy, driving our pursuit of excellence and ensuring we remain a trusted and responsible academy.
1. Equality
We are committed to creating an environment where every Afghan girl, regardless of her current challenges, has the right to access quality education and the opportunity to fulfill her dreams.
2. Resilience
We admire the strength and perseverance of Afghan girls who face significant educational challenges, and we are dedicated to turning their difficult circumstances into opportunities for growth and progress.
3. Empathy
We deeply understand the immense challenges that Afghan girls face and hold ourselves accountable to them. By empathizing with and understanding their current conditions, we create an environment where their hopes can be reignited.
4. Collaboration
We believe change is only possible through collective and unified efforts. We coordinate with national and international educational institutions to provide appropriate educational opportunities for Afghan girls.
5. Integrity
We uphold the highest ethical standards in everything we do—transparency, accountability, and honesty guide all our actions and decisions.
Contact Us
Guldasta Academy
We are on a mission to make education accessible for every Afghan girl.
Guldasta Academy is a nonprofit organization registered in Canada.
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